
My lovely, wonderful man outdid himself again for our three year anniversary. I told him that at this rate we’d better be riding dolphins off into the sunset next year, whilst being serenaded by mermaids. The only downfall so far with our job, is that we are two out of only three divers running the shop. So it is a little bit tricky for both of us to take time off at once. Fletch magically arranged the time off for us though, and the day before our anniversary, one of our boat captains drove us north about 45 minutes to another

I’ve become incredibly lazy. I wrote about a dozen different excuses for why I have written a total of two posts in the past four months (five now that I’m finishing this). Including, I don’t use my computer anymore and blogger doesn’t work on iPad, yet. (Seriously, what’s up with that?) I’ve been too busy with work. (As if). I felt guilty that I communicate more on here than I do out loud. (I’m really a very quiet person in real life if you can believe it). I’ve been suffering writer’s block. (Probably as a result of too many sandwiches