I’ve spent the summer working at a dive shop here in my home state of Colorado. Who dives in Colorado? – you may ask. Well, did you know that Colorado has the highest number of divers per capita of any of the US states? Fun fact of the day. Other fun fact, the closest body of water we can dive in is an hour drive away. Gone are the days of dragging a couple of tanks down to the beach…
It’s been fun though. If I’m going to be stuck here, I’m glad I can keep diving. And the dive shop and the people there are completely awesome. I work a couple retail shifts a week as well as teach classes on the weekends. I really have found a passion in teaching scuba. I am so positively obsessed with diving and what better way to channel that excitement then to pass it on to others?!
So Aurora Reservoir is the closest place we can go diving. We go out there for training purposes, but other than that it is a sad excuse for diving. It is so cold you have to layer two 7mm wetsuits, you’re lucky if you can see your outstretched hand, and the only life down there is the crawdads. They’re the cockroaches of the reservoir. I actually saw one crawdad eating another crawdad down there the other day. I was just excited to see something, anything though! There is also a very small plane that they wrecked down there for divers. You have to go on a day when no one else is out there though, otherwise the bottom gets so silted up that you can’t even see enough of the thing to put it together as a plane. The first time I went out there we swam all the way around the thing and I never once saw it. I bumped into it a few times, but I never saw the darned thing.
I’m making the res sound like a nightmare. It’s really a lot a fun in its own way. It’s like one of those low-budget horror movies that’s so outrageously bad you’re actually entertained by it.
Here’s a picture form inside the plane: