Hello fellow bloggers and brands! Thank you for reading Adventures of an Aquaholic. If you have made it this far, then I am sincerely honored to have peaked your curiosity and interest.
If you could not tell from my content, I am incredibly passionate about travel, exploring new cultures, and discovering different ways of life. That curiosity extends beyond customs and culture, and into the depths of the sea.
The one thing that sways my decisions on where to travel more than anything else is the scuba diving. I am a passionate scuba diving instructor, who finds the best fulfillment in sharing that love of the ocean with anyone and everyone (unless you complain about the gear being too heavy or the water being too salty. Then we have a problem).
My writing aims to entertain, inform, and inspire, whether that’s by allowing my readers to live vicariously through my adventures, research for their own travels, or prepare to take the plunge beneath the surface.
My commitment is first and foremost to my readers, and for that reason I choose partnerships very carefully, and only if I see them as being beneficial to my loyal audience.
I am open to hearing any and all ideas. Here are just a few of the ways we could work together:
Brand Ambassadorship
Press Trip
Sponsored Post
Destination Marketing Campaign
Freelance Writing
Hotel Review
Dive Shop Review
Scuba Gear Review
Travel Product Review
Feel free to shoot an email to lexi@adventuresofanaquaholic.com if the idea of working together strikes your fancy. I look forward to hearing from you!