
Tuesday Our alarms went off bright and early, well before dawn so that we would have enough time to get over to Angkor Wat and watch the sun rise over the ancient Khmer temples. I've never been a morning person, and long ago gave up on the prospect of ever being one. Sleep is the only inviting activity in the morning and when I hear the alarm I always have to question if it's really worth getting out of bed. Usually the answer is no. As the alarm went off I felt that same cringe of annoyance over being woken up


Would you believe I’ve been in Thailand for six months and already had to leave the country again on a visa run? Where does the time go?! My mindset on the whole visa run situation hasn’t changed. Screw sitting on a bus for x number of hours only to be transported to the border, get your passport stamped, and come right back. If I’m going to kill that many hours on a bus and have a sore bum then I want to go see something! My friends Summer and Eric were due for their first visa runs as well so