I only had a couple days to recoup before Songkran, the holiday I had been told I simply could not miss. I didn’t think I’d actually make it to Thailand in time, but due to a series of unexpected events, I sped up my departure date to coordinate being in Thaialnd for the Thai New Year.
What is Songkran you might ask? Now that I’ve experienced it, I can tell you that it’s the most epic holiday of all time, even better than Halloween (or whatever your own personal favorite holiday is). Songkran is one giant nation-wide water fight. All day long, everyone runs around the streets of Thailand shooting each other with water guns whilst of course drinking copious amount of alcohol.
It is so epic that I actually feel bad going into too much detail for anyone who wasn’t there. Here are some pictures. The rest you will have to come to Thailand next April and experience for yourselves.