
Imagine sitting around a campfire in the dead of night with a few of your closet friends. All is quiet, save for the crackle of the flames, and the excited breath of your buddies. You would be telling ghost stories, but no one dares say a word. You are waiting for the real story to arrive. This won’t be a tale told with words, but an otherworldly experience, the story which you’ll tell for the rest of your life. Suddenly and quietly it arrives, a giant and majestic shadow, gliding gracefully over the flames. Everyone gapes in awe as a

Rainy season is finally over! We’ve been able to get out to Ulong Channel again, one of the funnest dive sites here where a ripping current tosses you down a channel like a roller coaster ride. The sun has been shining, we’ve been hanging out in our pool, all has been good. Saturday, my only full day off from yoga training, we signed up for a full day of diving, excited to go enjoy the nice weather. Only the morning arrived and we woke up to the sound of pouring rain. Not just a little raincloud over us either. Our

Ouklemedaol = the Palauan word for manta rays. Yesterday we went diving with Day Dream and for our third dive they brought us to a dive site that they found themselves, and only they know the coordinates to: Secret Stadium. The boat captain and two of the Japanese staff hovered around the GPS as we drove through the stormy seas along the outer reef on the east coast. When we reached the proper coordinates, one of the staff jumped in with a snorkel to go find the morning line, unmarked by a buoy so as to keep the sight hidden and secret.