Day 3 – Copán, Honduras
This hotel is spoiling me. It is not a fancy resort by any means, but just a quaint little inn with maybe four guest rooms. This morning when I woke up and went outside, there was a single table out in the middle of the garden set for three people. Breakfast was served, consisting of papaya, toast, eggs, and beans. Also, there is a “pillow menu” in the room. I just walked over to José, the doorman and also the only person working here right now, to ask if I could have a few, and he brought me to a wardrobe upstairs stuffed plum full of memory foam pillows, body pillows, buckwheat pillows, and every other kind of pillow imaginable. So forgive me if I doze off while writing this but I am quite delightfully comfortable.* There’s more: the shower doubles as a steam shower! I just finished bathing in steam until I felt like I was going to drown.
Today we went to the ruins of the ancient Maya city of Copán. Where to even begin? I took an entire class this past semester on Mayan hieroglyphics and, due in part to the enthusiasm of my incredible professor, became positively obsessed with the subject. A major chunk of the class was devoted to deciphering the stelae of Copán, and today I got to see those magnificent monuments in all their archeological glory. I’ve been to Chizen Izta and Tulum, which were both pretty incredible, but this time around was just so much more meaningful! It was like on SAS**, when we would be learning about something in class, and then we got to go see it first hand in whatever country we were visiting next. Only this time, I had been learning about Mayan Glyphs for four months previous. And then to go see the real thing was almost more than I could handle. What beauty, what history, what wonder!
*I actually did doze off halfway through the second paragraph.
**I promise to stop with the SAS references! Soon.