I’ve been afraid to jinx it by saying it was actually happening until now, but with only ten days to go, I guess I can finally shout out that I’m leaving for THAILAND! Despite the odds and numerous obstacles, from bank-draining student loan bills, to getting cheated out of a considerable security deposit refund, I’ve found a way (with the generous help of my wonderful family and friends) to do the thing I swore I’d do when I left Honduras: go to Thailand.
The original plan was to move there and find a job, but given my current financial state, I’ve had to scale back to just visiting for a month. Scuba jobs may pay enough for room and board but they sure don’t pay enough to cover student loan bills. Someday.
So what will I do for one whole glorious month in thailand? That’s the beauty of it. I don’t know and I don’t care to know until I get there. I might find a job for a month, I might get my MSDT, I might just be a beach bum. The plan is to fly into Bangkok, spend a day, and make our way to Koh Tao. That is my entire itinerary for a month. Isn’t is beautiful?
So with ten days to go, here are ten things that have been getting me stoked for Thailand:
1. The Beach. Both the book by Alex Garland, and the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio. Granted the movie has nothing on the book, but who doesn’t love watching anything that Leonardo DiCaprio is in? It’s about a young backpacker who realizes that everyone travels to do something different, but in the end just ends up doing the same thing, and so in an attempt to really get off the beaten track, he follows a map given to him that leads to a secret beach.